This may seem like a silly blog, but I don't think I have ever shared a week in the life of the Jordan Family! So here it goes:
Monday - We start the week of with a bang! I usually have a team leaving and a team coming so it is laundry, laundry and more laundry. After getting everyone fed, kids ready for school, and everyone out the door,I am ready to start our boy John with school. My workers and I prepare the rooms for the team that will be arriving which ranges from 5 - 12 (unless like this week, it will be 14)! Then it is off to the main house for the orphanage for staff meeting and dinner. We return to our home with the team and have an orientation to our home and set house rules! By the time we are finished, it is bath time for kids, short time of fellowship and off to bed we go!
Tuesday - It is up and at 'em for me at 6 am to prepare breakfast for the team and my family. Team is out the house by 7:40 and the kids are down to the school room by 8:15. Then it is off to another day of laundry! By mid afternoon, it is kitchen time to prepare supper for the team. (I cook for people staying in our home on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday evenings). After supper it is baths, some time fellowshipping and bed
Wednesday - Same morning routine; I usually take it easy on Wednesdays and do Sunday School things for my sunday school class! Then it is mainhouse for supper, english devotions, and then back up to our house in time for haitian church!
Thursday - WOW! same morning routine and same evening routine as Tuesday.
Friday - We get a break in the evenings and we usually do family pizza night before going pick up the team from the mainhouse!
Saturday - we take the team out for souvenirs and lunch
Sunday - Is an early morning! I wake at 5:45, set out breakfast, shower and get half way ready for church, get the kids up and fed, get them ready, get myself ready and then it is out the door by 8 am for Haitian Church, back to our house by 10:15 to go to English service and then the mainhouse for lunch. Ladies singing practice is at 2 pm and Teen haitian service is at 3 pm!
And we get up on Monday to do it all over again!!! I love my crazy life! God has given us so many opportunities to minister not only to Haitians but to Americans, Canadians, Australians, French!! It is awesome to see His hand it all that we do! So, welcome to a week in our crazy lives!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Absence Makes the heart Grow Fonder
As a senior in college, my goal was not a diploma but a husband. I had dated but knew deep down inside that none of them were right for me. When Brandon walked in that first morning for work study, I knew that I was going to marry him some day! Ten years, 3 children, 7 years of serving in Haiti, I love that man more than the first time we spoke the words I LOVE YOU! I do not do well with being left alone, especially here in Haiti. Brandon is my support and my guide; I feel so lost when he is not with me! But as the saying goes, "absence makes the heart grow fonder", and it is definitely true! I miss his laugh and crazy jokes, his shoulder to cry or fall asleep on, his wonderful way with the kids, his servant's heart. While absence makes the heart grow fonder, it also makes us realize how much we take that person for granted. I am thankful that 10 years ago, I married that man that I can't stand to be without!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Coming Back to the Heart of Worship
Music - It is such a big part of life and a major part of mine. I can't quitely remember the age that I started singing, but can remember recording myself on my little tape recorder around the age of 10. I have done so much research on music and worship. God loves for us to worship Him. John 4:24 says: "God is a Spirit and they that worshi
p him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Sometimes after I sing, I think, "Did I prepare my heart before I stood before these people; did they receive a blessing through the words I sang or was my heart not what it should be and it showed forth in the song." As I watch Haitians during worship service in our church, it amazes me how they worship with all they have. Eyes closed, hands raised, voices lifted; praising HIM with
all their heart, soul, and mind. These people know that the little they have, they have because God provided them with it. Our comforts and riches, sometimes, blind us to true worship and adoration for the ONE who provided and blessed us with those co
mforts and riches. As I use the talent that God has given me, I pray that my heart is right and my thoughts are truly on the words that I sing.
I walked in my kitchen a few months ago and God gave me 2 words: Grace Falling; and I couldn't go anywhere until I had written this song.
Grace Falling Down
Verse 1
Guilty and Broken
No hope could be seen
Life ruined by weights
Of sin and of shame
Then through the clouds
Mercy poured down like rain
Grace falling down
Grace falling down
Let your grace fall down
On a sinner condenmed
And let your blood that flowed free
Come and wash over me
And let your grace fall down
And let your grace fall down
Verse 2
Now hope and peace
They brighten my life
No struggle within
Not burdened with strife
I'm soaked in your mercy
I'm forgiven and free
This is the reason we sing, this is the reason we give him our worship. He poured out his grace and mercy on us, and in return; we can use our voices in praise to Him.
I am not a person of eloquent speaking; I am not the greatest blogger, but as I sat here this evening, I just wanted to share a little of my heart. I love my family, but am not arts and craftsy; I really don't have that many talents, but God has given me a voice and I will glorify Him with the talent of song.
The Real Lonely Week!
Last week I blogged that it was going to be such a lonely week because Brandon was leaving. Silly man got his dates wrong! So..... Now I am truly in my lonely week! He left yesterday and will be gone for 8 more days! I survived the first night! I am proud of myself! I am not a loner at all and don't want to be alone but I think it will be good for both of us to be apart! I am happy for him that he can go and be with guys of like faith and find encouragement in some pastors and other missionaries at Football camp. So, you may see more blogpost from me this week as I will be super lonely!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
A Lonely Week Ahead
You would think that after 10 years of marriage, one would be perfectly fine with their spouse's departure for a few days......well, I am not that spouse! I hate to be alone and rely so much on Brandon, that this next week is going to be a hard one. Brandon will leave on Saturday to attend a few meetings and the annual football camp in Dwight, IL. I am happy for him that he will be reporting to some new churches, as well as, seeing many supporting pastors, happy that he will get to see old friends and make new ones, happy that he will get some "guy" time. But even though I am happy in all of these areas, I am sad that I will not have him here with me! To watch him tuck the girls in at night, to watch him pray with Kofee as he puts him to bed, to snuggle me after a long day of hard work! All things, of course, happen for a reason. Maybe I will not take him for granted and learn to do a few things on my own. The old saying goes like this..."absence makes the heart grow fonder". It will be good for us to be apart, for our appreciation and love for each other to grow even deeper; but I will miss that man of mine sooo much!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Crazy Monday!
Mondays! They are always so fast and crazy! After a Sunday of sickness, we de-germed the house and beds before getting new people in our home. After a couple loads of laundry, I started fixing our "healthy" meal. We have several of us, here on staff, who are trying to eat right; so, I offered to make the meal for tonight. I have been using many of the "hungry girl" recipes and they are so yummy! I made barbeque bacon wrapped chicken breast, potato salad, green salad, and cinnamon banana muffins. It was a big hit with everyone! We got our guest settled in and enjoyed an evening of fellowship. Still trying to get the kids better. Kofee's fever seems to be gone just some diarhea left. He is laying on my lap as I type this! Some of my favorite moments are when he wakes up crying and we just snuggle for a while. I guess I know that these moments will be gone too fast and I cherish our snuggle time! So, crazy Monday has come to an end and I say good night!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Fun in the Sun
Thanks to a recent team who brought the kids a blow up swimming pool, they have been able to have some fun days in the sun! It is fun to stand in the kitchen and hear them out back giggling and yelling and splashing around. Kofee is so funny; he loves the water and could stay in the pool forever!
Jay Bickel, Holli and Pat's son, had his 11th birthday at a hotel here in Haiti. You can pay to swim for the day. This morning, Kofee woke up with fever and diarrhea and Kylee was running a fever. I was a little disappointed because I was looking forward to a day in the sun! My wonderful husband sent me and Bailee and stayed with the two sickies! It was nice to have some mother/daughter time with my oldest child. Sometimes, I am sure she feels overlooked with two smaller siblings, but today I focused on her! She is such a wonderful child and shines wherever she goes. She made two friends instantly and played with them all day! At times, I look at her and wish that I could be more like her in my Christian walk. Love others regardless of what they look like or where they come from. Love them as I love myself without fear of what someone may think of me. WoW! What a thought to end on!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Good Friends are medicine to the Soul
We have ran the guesthouse for GLA now for a little over a year, and now have the opportunity to host previous teams. This team in particular come from Illinois and is the hometown of John and Dixie, the founders of the orphanage. I have been looking forward to this team coming and am enjoying their visit immensely! We bonded with them when they were here a year ago and it seems like we have known each other for years!! Tim and Melissa are a dear couple whom were on that team last year and it is great to sit with Melissa in the evenings and just chat! Good friends are hard to come by and I thank the Lord for the position He has given us to meet so many wonderful people!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A Busy Productive Week
What a week! They all seem to fly by so quickly now a days! We had a great team in our home this weeks with such servant's hearts. They worked all week up at Ft Jacque on a home that will house a staff couple. Every evening, tired and weary, they would enter our home with just as much joy as they had left with in the morning; never a complaint, never a cross word. It is weeks like these that are so truly a blessing to us as we host them. At times, it is difficult when we have a team that complains of the work being too hard or that they didn't come to clean and paint, they came to play with babies. Teams like the one we had this week is what makes running a guesthouse easy on the soul; however, there are days that seem to be long when having people in and out of the house and you just want to run to a quiet place with no phones, no people, no questions, and no complaints! It weighs harder on me than Brandon and he seems to always carry it on his shoulders that is why I sucked it up and told him that I really wanted him to be able to go to Football Camp in Dwight, IL. I did so well and tried to cover the feelings of so desperately wanting to be the one to "get away" until the night he booked his ticket. I found myself crying! The next morning, Brandon and I had such a wonderful conversation and it helped me realize that none of us are perfect. So many times, I feel sooo guilty for those feeling; feelings of needing a break, or to get away, or to want to go shoe or clothes shopping. God is so gracious and loves us in spite of our selfishness! The rest of my weekend was wonderful as I looked past my selfishness and looked on others! I know that these things maybe aren't necessarily things that you may want to read about, but I want to be honest in all that I blog about!
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of July Weekend
After church, we decided to join many of the staff on a ride up, up, up the beautiful mountain side to a log cabin retreat called "The Lodge"; it was absolutely breath taking! It was so relaxing to be away for a little while and bask in the beauty of God's creation! We had a wonderful lunch with our friends!
I love holidays! Every holiday is my favorite and so as the 4th rolled around I made sure I ordered my Old Navy t-shirts ahead of time! We proudly matched in our shirts! It is fun as the girls get older and know what holidays we are celebrating! They were so excited to get our matching outfits out to wear! After our team arrived that will be staying with us this week arrived, we had a light lunch and a little rest and then headed up to our Ft Jacque property for some fun, food, and fireworks! It is so awesome to have a family to share these moments with! Our GLA family have been such a blessing to us and we had a great time celebrating our independance with all of them! Happy 4th of July to all of our friends and family!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Some past happenings
To bring everyone up to date, I thought I would blog a little this evening on a few happenings since my last post. The new year brought many great things for our family and ministry. On January 12, I had the awesome opportunity to sing for a crusade that a missionary friend of ours had. It marked the year anniversary of the tragic earthquake that took place in the country. However, we didn't focus on the loss, we celebrated the life that we are so thankful to still have to serve God in an even bigger capacity. Going into this experience, I truly felt inadequate to sing in front of so many people, but I felt like God would have me do it. As I thought about this, I joked with a couple friends of mine who are awesome vocalist and told them that they needed to come and help me sing; next thing I know they are coming! I prepared a medley in English/Kreyol of a song written by my friend Betsy, who was on her way to sing with me along with another dear friend Nathan. Their plane was delayed and I had to take the stage by myself; I was amazed at the peace and confidence that God gave me. On one part of the song I had incorporated "Amazing Grace" and it was amazing to hear thousands upon thousands of Haitians, those who had lost loved ones, homes, and everything that they had, join me in singing. God showed me that day thay He uses any and all talents that we have if we allow Him! Betsy, Nathan, Melissa, and I were able to touch many lives with our voices. We were able to share the love, healing and hope that we have in Jesus Christ!
February brought in some great teams and friends that we have made. One team came not knowing where they were staying or who they were staying with. We built a strong bond with them as they told us of their love for church planting. They were such a blessing to our family as we sat with them on the final night of their stay and heard their blessing and prayers for each one of our family members.
March we were able to take a short vacation for 9 days to Orlando. Disney World is alot of hard work but it was worth it to see the excitement on the children's faces!
Since the beginning of the year, we have held 2 baptisms, baptizing 8 precious haitian people. Our church continues to grow and we are running out of room. We have so many faithful members. I have, also, started a ladies singing group. It is exciting to me to be able to start this group and get to know the young ladies who come each week to practice.
April brought a broken leg for our little girl Kylee. I now do not like trampolines very well! Thankfully we are surrounded by great nurses and doctors who were able to help us in every possible way, even in casting it!
May 26th, I was able to share 10 years with my wonderful husband. We had a staff outing planned that fell on the weekend of our anniversary so we spent the weekend at the beach! It was so nice and relaxing to get away from the busyness of life!
Two weeks ago, we had a team of college students who helped us conduct a teen conference and a VBS! It was great to have the help with these activities!
Summer is here and busy, but I will definitely try to keep up the blogging! Just in this blog, it is encourgaging to see the accomplishments!!
A Lazy Saturday
Not often do we just sit around on a Saturday. We usually have a house full of people seeing as our home is a guesthouse; but on this lovely Saturday, our house is empty and a team won't arrive until Monday. So, we took advantage of the opportunity and slept in, sat around and drank coffee, and made cupcakes for Sunday School. Then daddy decided he wanted to treat the family to dinner at the Baptist Haiti Mission! So, off we went to eat some hamburgers and french fries. We all wanted to splurge on some icecream but the machine wasn't working (bummer!). We came home and got things ready for tomorrow's church service and played some ball on the balcony, enjoying the beauty of this country. Children are bathed and I am sitting enjoying the cool breeze and the quietness of the evening! Mood - Content!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Better Late than Never
Someone once told me that I should keep a journal so I could look back and see how far the Lord has brought us in our ministry....I thought to myself, "Sure, in all my free time!" But as I thought about it more, I remembered that I had started this blog! I loved when I was taking time out to blog about the day to day things that happen in our lives and in our ministry. So, as the saying goes, "it is better late than never"; here I go again with trying to capture my favorite moments, not so good days, and day to day life in a third-world country.
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