The house was quiet yesterday morning; I snuck out of bed, made some coffee and headed to the balcony. It has been cloudy and rainy over the last few days and, therefore, has been chilly up here in the mountains. I grabbed my blanket, cofee, and bible and had some quiet time. The view from my balcony is just absolutely breathtaking. I am in awe of this country,this people. Such heartache, such resilience. God has placed us here at this time for this purpose: to reach them with the gospel. The Haitian people are open and eager to learn about Christ. As we are seeing up here in the mountains, many have not attended church, don't know the songs in the songbook. Down in the city, there are churches on every corner, people are singing church songs all the time. We have been given this opportunity, to start this church in the mountains of Haiti. Where God's beauty is all around us and some have never heard His name. I pray that these photos bless you as this scene blesses me every single day!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Cherish the precious times - they past so fast
What!!! 6:45 a.m.!!!!!! OH NO! I didn't wake up to serve our guest breakfast before he left!!!!! I didn't even hear anyone leave the house. Then I look down and all snuggled in my arms, is my precious baby boy! How could I not stay in bed when I have such a sweet little bundle of joy sound asleep in my arms!
It was a great start to a new week; school, laundry, workout, staff meeting, supper, preparation for tomorrow's school, Veggie Tales with my sweet girls, and now snuggling again with that sweet little bundle of joy as he watches his favorite show "Popeye"!
God gives us so many blessings in our lives and they are so often taken for granted. As one of my workers arrived to work this morning, she seemed down; I began speaking with her about her weekend and, just as so many Haitians, is living in a tent. Due to the horrible weather over the weekend, she lost her tent. It took her 4 1/2 hours to reach her home on Friday after leaving my house. My heart broke for her as she tried to have a good attitude, but was just so sad. This is just one story of many here in Haiti. From Brandon's visits over the weekend, he learned of a deaf woman who was under the rubble after the quake, she was there for 4 days, was dug out, and left for dead. She was thrown in a hole with dead bodies. When she awoke from her unconscious state, she found herself in the midst of all these bodies. She worked her way out and began stumbling around. She was covered in blood, had a broken arm, but was found by her mother who had been searching for her since the day of the quake. As Brandon talked with this woman face to face, he was reminded of God's goodness to us and how thankful we should be for the life that we have in HIM. She was in great spirits and praised God for saving her!
Well, look forward to sharing this week! Happy Monday!
It was a great start to a new week; school, laundry, workout, staff meeting, supper, preparation for tomorrow's school, Veggie Tales with my sweet girls, and now snuggling again with that sweet little bundle of joy as he watches his favorite show "Popeye"!
God gives us so many blessings in our lives and they are so often taken for granted. As one of my workers arrived to work this morning, she seemed down; I began speaking with her about her weekend and, just as so many Haitians, is living in a tent. Due to the horrible weather over the weekend, she lost her tent. It took her 4 1/2 hours to reach her home on Friday after leaving my house. My heart broke for her as she tried to have a good attitude, but was just so sad. This is just one story of many here in Haiti. From Brandon's visits over the weekend, he learned of a deaf woman who was under the rubble after the quake, she was there for 4 days, was dug out, and left for dead. She was thrown in a hole with dead bodies. When she awoke from her unconscious state, she found herself in the midst of all these bodies. She worked her way out and began stumbling around. She was covered in blood, had a broken arm, but was found by her mother who had been searching for her since the day of the quake. As Brandon talked with this woman face to face, he was reminded of God's goodness to us and how thankful we should be for the life that we have in HIM. She was in great spirits and praised God for saving her!
Well, look forward to sharing this week! Happy Monday!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Lord's Day - A day to Glorify HIM!
Brandon started out his morning early and headed to the tent city in Petionville; this is one of the largest tent cities with over 55,000 people. This particular tent city is run by none other that actor, Sean Penn (who is not a Christian), but he has placed all his confidence in a national pastor who is doing amazing things in this tent city. Brandon has become very close to Pastor Sinser and preaches for him often. Over the course of the week, we
have had a very special visitor in our home, Edward Smith. Edward is with an organization called Victim Relief Ministries and he is a chaplain. He travels to different disaster areas and gives grievance counselling. He also preaches. On Friday evening, we received some very bad winds and rains; it hit the tent cities hard. Pastor Sinser called Brandon and shared with him that the main tent, the sanctuary, had fallen. On Saturday, they went to see Pastor Sinser to encourage him and in turn they were encouraged as they saw a group of young men working hard to restore the tent. This morning in the heat of the sun, Brandon and Edward ministered to over 200 Haitians, who despite no tent and despite the heat, came to worship God! A God who sees and hears their cries and knows their hardships. They worked all day today and were able to put the tent back up for a sanctuary of praise and worship to the Almighty God! Another week has come and gone. I am ready for this new week and to share with you our wonderful lives in the precious land of Haiti.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Can anyone say Peanut Butter Chocolate cake!
So, I got a chocolate cake mix and whipped up some homemade chocolate frosting but that was too boring for me; so, I added my own little twist -- PEANUT BUTTER! Cuz everything is better with peanut butta ya'll! (kinda stole that saying from Paula Dean, but don't tell her; I made it my own!). So, for you peanut butter chocolate lovers, YOU GOTTA TRY IT!
Peanut Butter Chocolate cake
1 box of chocolate cake mix (I used Dark Chocolate) - Prepared as directed on the box
Pour batter in 2 round cake pans and bake according to directions on box
(simple so far!)
1 stick butter, softened
1 pound powdered sugar
2/3 cup cocoa powder
Vanilla or Almond extract
3-4 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons peanut butter
Beat butter and powdered sugar until well mixed, add cocoa powder. Begin adding milk 1 tablespoon at a time until you have reached a spreadable consistency. Add Peanut butter and beat until well blended.
Let's put it together!
Place a little frosting on cake plate and place the first cake down. Spread some peanut butter over the top of the cake (PEANUT BUTTER! not the frosting!) Place second cake on top and ice witht the frosting!!
(So simple and sooooo yummy!!)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, Yeah! Friday is so long as i do homeschooling with all three of my children and one little munchkin running here, there, and everywhere. Today, I put grilling on the menu (which means less work for me!!). I love when Brandon grills because I just have to make the sides. Tonight, he made wonderful shishkabo
bs, and corn on the cob, and I made rice dressing and a salad with fresh avacados. I can't help but feel guilty as we sit down to a wonderful meal and tents are flying away from hurricane winds. Power lines and trees are down in Port au Prince. In one of the major tent cities, Pastor Sincer calls Brandon to tell him that his huge church tent has fallen. I praise God for His safety on our family here in the mountains, but can't help but think about all those poor homeless people down in the city. Wet and cold, hungry and hopeless. As I think about these things, it makes me thankful for a husband that has a heart for these dear people. On October 31st, we will be holding our first service of Hope Baptist Church. We have prayed for so long for open doors and God has just thrown them wide open. When I look back at a year ago when we were praying for God's guidance and it see
med like every door was shut, and then to throw a major earthquake in the mix pulling us from our home and all that we held dear. God had a plan in all these situations. Today, on this Friday, I am thankful for clear guidance and a perfect will for our lives. I look forward to sharing our church with all of you! Have a great weekend ya'll!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A Cajun Sort of Day!
Missing the states and family and friends happens every once in a while when you are far away from them, but we make the best of it and learn different ways to deal with it. The one way I deal with it is to cook! Tonight was chicken and sausage gumbo, potato salad, garlic bread, and peach cobbler with
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Not Doing Much of Anything!
One of my dear friends texted me this afternoon and asked what I was up to; this was my reply; "Not much of anything. I am doing school with John, doing laundry, making cookies for Brandon, getting the house ready for Edward (one of our guest who is spending the weekend), and making a roux (the base of a gumbo, for those who do not know). Wow! guess I am doing more than I thought!" What a busy but good day! Kofee seemed much better than yesterday until we got to the main house (which is the baby house for the orphanage). He then became very cranky and I had to leave bible study because he wouldn't stop crying. Brandon was gone most of the day doing distribution of supplies that the orphanage is still receiving. It is such a blessing to be associated with such a wonderful organization who allows us to have access to some of the supplies to distribute to the first church we worked with. Brandon came back feeling so wonderful and blessed as he was thanked and hugged and kissed by our former church people. I love these kinds of days when I get so many things accomplished. Did I mention that I had to put the girls in long sleeves this morning because it was sooo chilly! God is so good to give us those little things that we miss from the states. I am anxious for December and January; everyone says it gets super chilly up here in the mountains! Hope everyone had as great a day as I did!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Teething Tuesday
It has been such a long day here in the Jordan household! Kofee is cutting his eye teeth and is such a miserable little bug, but he has been grouchy for about 5 days now and it has gotten a little old! The girls have been at each other all day also! WOW! Some days, I am surprised I still have hair because I just want to pull it all out! Ok so now everyone knows that I am not a perfect mom! HEHHEE! Other than that, it was a pretty slow day here in Haiti! Just found out there was an aftershock at 4:30 this morning of a magnitude 4.4. God just gives me the grace not to feel them. Wow! I still can't believe that after 8 months we are still experiencing aftershocks! Well, it is goodnight for now! Until tomorrow!
Pizza Party
I have already stated that I would like to post yummy recipes. I enjoy making homemade pizzas and have become creative in my recipes. I finally found a dough recipe that I like, and it makes such a great pizza! I cheat on my sauce but you would never know because I add my own special spice to it! So, for all you pizza lover here we go!
Chicken Bacon Alfredo Pizza
1 recipe of your favorite pizza dough ( I use the Betty Crocker recipe)
1 jar alfredo sauce ( I like Bertrolli)

1 Onion, chopped/5 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound grilled chicken breast, shredded
1 package bacon cooked and crumbled or 1 cup Hormel real bacon pieces
2 cups grated mozzarella/2 cups grated monterey jack
Make crust according to recipe and bake until brown. Saute onion and garlic in olive oil and add jar of sauce. Add a little salt and all seasoning (I use Tony Chacheries cuz it's the best!). Place sauce, and a little of the mozzarella, shredded chicken, bacon, and both cheeses. Bake until bubbly and cheese starts to brown on top!
Crawfish Pizza

Follow the same as above except saute crawfish in a little butter with some seasonings. Place sauce on the crust, a little mozzarella, crawfish (draining the juices), and rest of cheeses. Bake until bubbly and cheese starts to brown on top!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday Monday!
The Week is off to a great start! School is in full swing for the week. We started John doing ACE this year and he is doing sooo good. Bailee and Kylee are enjoying their dvd classes and I enjoy that we have a wonderful teacher for them.
Today was Amanda's birthday. Amanda is a teacher at an english school here in Haiti and also helps at the orphanage. Molly and Joyce were making cupcakes for this wonderful occasion. As we set the cupcakes out of the oven and placed them on the counter, we started making cards for Amanda; we started putting everything away and went for the cupcakes. We noticed that the cupcakes were almost walking away! Why you might ask?? We have these very annoying minute ants here in the wonderful country of Haiti, and they LOVE sweets! We were devastated as we looked at the cupcakes and saw them covered in the ants. So, we set off on a mission to get the ants OFF of the cupcakes. I think we succeeded and frosted them so that noone knew the difference except us and the ants!! Oh the joys of living in a third world country!
Today was Amanda's birthday. Amanda is a teacher at an english school here in Haiti and also helps at the orphanage. Molly and Joyce were making cupcakes for this wonderful occasion. As we set the cupcakes out of the oven and placed them on the counter, we started making cards for Amanda; we started putting everything away and went for the cupcakes. We noticed that the cupcakes were almost walking away! Why you might ask?? We have these very annoying minute ants here in the wonderful country of Haiti, and they LOVE sweets! We were devastated as we looked at the cupcakes and saw them covered in the ants. So, we set off on a mission to get the ants OFF of the cupcakes. I think we succeeded and frosted them so that noone knew the difference except us and the ants!! Oh the joys of living in a third world country!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunday - A New Beginning to a New Week
I love Sundays! Breakfast is a must and a nice one at that! French Toast on Homemade bread was Kylee's vote for the day! She loves breakfast and french toast; she also loves Sundays because she gets to wear her pretty dresses! It was great to hear my husband preach this morning and his sermon was so good. He spoke on "The Cross - 1, 2, 3" One Purpose - He died for you, Two Reactions - We can die upon it or run from it, and Three Who Hung Upon It - the reviler, the receiver, and the Redeemer. He spoke of how Christ did so much for us, but we must make the decision to receive Him to save us and then follow Him daily. I enjoy when he speaks because he is so humble and says so many times through his message that he is speaking to himself also.
What a wonderful day to start a new week. In the presence of the One who gave His life for us. Worshipping His name through song, and gleaning from His Word from the one He has called to His service.
Looking forward to many new and exciting things this week!
What a wonderful day to start a new week. In the presence of the One who gave His life for us. Worshipping His name through song, and gleaning from His Word from the one He has called to His service.
Looking forward to many new and exciting things this week!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
A beautiful Beginning to a Wonderful Day
A great start to a new day here in the mountains of Haiti. It was nice to relax and enjoy time with my family this morning. I have a bad habit of letting all the little things take up all my time and I never stop to enjoy the little things in my life, such as my children. Kofee was not feeling well and I snuggled him all morning. It was so relaxing!
Later in the day we decided to have all the GLA staff over for supper. It was a wonderful evening of food, fun and fellowship with a group of people that have become our family here in Haiti. As I said before, I love to cook and everyone has to eat so, I made yummy homemade pizzas. The first was "Chicken and Bacon Alfredo Pizza" and the second was "Crawfish Alfredo Pizza". Both were so yummy! I love the cajun flair in the crawfish pizza! Our games were fun too with lots of laughs! I find it so amazing how such individual people can come together from all around the world and have so much in common; but I think the thing that brings us all together is our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Well, that was our great day! I will post my pizza recipe soon!!
Later in the day we decided to have all the GLA staff over for supper. It was a wonderful evening of food, fun and fellowship with a group of people that have become our family here in Haiti. As I said before, I love to cook and everyone has to eat so, I made yummy homemade pizzas. The first was "Chicken and Bacon Alfredo Pizza" and the second was "Crawfish Alfredo Pizza". Both were so yummy! I love the cajun flair in the crawfish pizza! Our games were fun too with lots of laughs! I find it so amazing how such individual people can come together from all around the world and have so much in common; but I think the thing that brings us all together is our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Well, that was our great day! I will post my pizza recipe soon!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Homemade beginnings
When a new beginning is started off right, it usually ends wonderful! The beginning of this week, I wanted to start it off great, and made one of my husband's favorites: "Chicken Potpie". Of course, he requests homemade crust!! I love making things that he loves! I had many friends ask for the recipe so I thought what better way to post it than through my blog! This recipe makes 2 pies. I usually freeze one so that we have it for a fast meal.
Chicken PotPie (Makes 2)
2 Cups diced potatoes 3 Cups chicken broth
2/3 Cups chopped onion 1 1/2 Cups milk
1 Cup butter 4 Cups cubed chicken
1 Cup flour 2 cups frozen Veggies
Salt, Thyme, and Pepper Pastry for 4 pies(a top and bottom)
Boil Potatoes and set aside. Saute onion, in butter. Stir in flour and seasonings. Gradually stir in broth and milk; bring to a boil and cook unitl thickened. Add chicken, potatoes, and veggies. Remove from heat. Place filling in ready-made pie crust or homemade pie crust, and place another on top. Trim, seal and flute edges. bake @ 425 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until crust is lightly brown and filling is bubbly!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A New Beginning
It has been seven months since the massive earthquake that shook our little island of Haiti. I shared my heart about this horrible event, but felt like it was time for a new beginning. To share about our lives in the mountains of Haiti, and to share all the many great and wonderful blessing we encounter each and every day. Also through this blog, I would like to share blessings in other ways such as: wonderful food recipes! Great blessings come in many ways and in our home, good southern cooking is one of them! Come take a wonderful journey into the lives of myself, my wonderful husband, and our 3 precious children!
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